Monday, December 27, 2010

Who am I?

My name is Andrea I'm 40 years old. I decided that I am going to get that perfect smile that I've dreamt of since I was a little girl. I am currently on that road. It is a long road and will be well worth it all in the end.

I have an 80% overbite on my top jaw. I currently have braces and have them for awhile now.

 I am in the process of getting ready for jaw surgery. My orthodontist has sent me to a specialist who has told me I will be requiring double jaw surgery and chin surgery. Reason is my top jaw needs to be adjusted and placed on an angle, bottom jaw will then need to meet with the top. The reason my chin is requiring surgery is all my life I have closed smile. And built the muscle in my chin to 50% more then normal. So once he has done both my top and bottom jaw I will no longer have a chin. So that will need to be adjusted.

I will admit that reading other people stories and seeing their pictures has terrified my and excited me when I seen the end results. I haven't seen one person on here who it has improved their looks. They all look great!!

Here are a few pics:

Before braces when I had bonding on my front teeth and soooo glad to be done of that:

Me and my typical closing of the mouth smile

Currently with braces (still have a hard time smiling )

I had an appointment with my ortho this month and he has stated that I am ready for the surgery. He has retaken all my pics of my mouth and impressing and the whole kitten koddle. He has sent a letter to my ortho surgeon to let him know of this. I am not ready, I'm not gonna lie. I am really scared. I see everyone pictures that has got this done and it scares me. I do know deep down that it will all be worth it in the end. That is all for now and I will keep you posted on any updates.


  1. You have come along way hunny... I will be with you all the way!

  2. You are gonna be just fine. It is gonna be all worth it in the end. I will say a prayer for you to have speedy recovery. I know alot of people say they will say prayer and never do. I am going to type my prayer right here for you to read, and if any one else reads my comment they will have prayed for you also....dear lord please look after Andrea in her time of need please help the surgeon(s) have steady hands as thet perform this surgery In the name of Jesus Christ we pray this of you. Amen

  3. Thanks very much James I will need alot of prayers when the time comes. I will be posting pics when the time comes.

  4. Wade is right Andrea. You have definitely come a long way and you can definitely get through the surgery! Dr. Mitton will do his best to make sure you are comfortable during your recovery. :) Plus you will have Wade to wait on you hand and foot as part of the aftercare :)


    I look forward to following your journey. :)

  5. Thanks Kimmy! It will be an adventure for sure.

  6. Good for you, Andrea! I know that what lies ahead seems scary but you have a tremendous support system with Wade and the kids and countless friends.

    The important thing is that you're doing it for YOU! I'm so excited for you!

    You'll do wonderfully and we are all excited to see that confident, beaming smile when everything is done and you're all healed up!

    Wishing you all the best for a speedy recovery and a beautiful new smile! :)

  7. Thank you for you kind words Jeff.It is gonna be a long road I just need to be brave!!

  8. If anyone can get through this, I know you can! It's going to suck for the first little while but you will be SOOOO happy that you went through with it.

    Wish you a happy and quick recovery!! xo

