Sunday, January 30, 2011

Three months away ....

So I thought I would do a update on my progress. I was able to get my hands on pictures that were taken when I started this whole journey and decided to share.

These pictures show what my teeth looked like before :

In these pictures I have bonding on my two front teeth. I had a dentist years ago place that on to help with my smile. God it is awful looking now that I look at it. I am glad to be rid of that. I am simply amazed at how awesome my teeth look like now.I know people use to say to me that they didn't notice my teeth when they looked at me. This is what I had to look at everyday!!

Now here are the x-rays of before :

Pretty crazy looking eh? I also can see in this picture why the Doctor wants to break my chin as I have a tiny one lol, never realized it until I looked at this x-ray. I was told that the muscle in my chin is 50 % larger then normal. That was caused from me smiling with my mouth closed.

Ok now the progress pictures which are AMAZING if I do say so myself LOL ....

Now the x-rays :

In this x-ray you can really see my over bite. I can't wait for the finished product. 

So my next appointment is March 15/11 and I guess we will be going over alot of things at that point and time. Am I nervous ? Heck ya!  You wanna believe I am. 

I have two major concerns:

 One is will I like the way I look after this? I did look around on the internet and looked at people's pictures who got this surgery and I haven't seen one that looks worse off. 
Doctor told me that when he is done with me my best friend won't even recognize me and that worries me ha ha. I am super excited though !!

Second part which is a major major part is my condition that I live with each day. That is Interstitial Cystitis. Why you ask? Getting wisdom teeth pulled is a pretty common procedure right ? And really shouldn't cause major problems. That is not the case for me; because of my condition and the medication that I was on from the dentist, I had to get catheterized. Something I really don't want to go through again. I will more and likely have to stop my Elmiron which I take daily, it prevents pain & discomfort caused by cystitis (bladder inflammation or irritation). The reason I need to stop this medication it is a anticoagulant (blood thinnner).

Alot of people don't understand my condition and believe it or not doctors have a hard time with it too. Anyways as you can tell this is a major concern for me, I could go on and on about it as it can be frustrating at times. I'm not asking for pity, if anything I would like to be understood.

Enough already on with the show, my next appointment after March is in April 19 I believe and was told I would be there for most of the afternoon. I guess there will be alot of going over things and cat scans and such. Then I will be going May 2 the day before my surgery where I will be a bundle of nerves. I won't be sleeping that night.

That is it for now and will let you know how things go ....

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