Wow tomorrow is the day of my surgery. I can't believe how fast it came up on me. A friend of mine told me that it would come up quick on me and she was right. I have a bunch of mixed feelings right now and figured what better time to write. I have Snow White & Seven Dwarfs running the back ground trying to calm me down. I wish I could say it is working.
I had my appointment with Dr. Mitton and he once again sat down with me and told me he will be breaking my top jaw and moving it 2 mm up and to the left as well. As my center is off abit. So he will be fixing that up. Then he will be breaking the bottom jaw which is the one that has the most work on it. It will be broke and moved by 6mm. He has some concern on my bottom jaw with bone density. About 6 months ago I had my wisdom teeth pulled and there was one laying along my jaw line. It took alot of the bone away which he didn't see and now the bone density concerns him. He explain to me also about his concern over my lips as I don't have alot of them he said and moving my top jaw can loose some of the red in the top upper lip.
My surgery is scheduled for 7AM but the doctor told me he won't more and likely get to me until something to 9AM as it will take that time for the anesthesiologist to get me to the deep sleep I guess about 45 mins. I will have a nurse with me for the first 24 hours which I am glad to hear.
I'm sitting here watching the clock and currently it is 10:30 PM and I really don't want to go to sleep as you and I know that will bring tomorrow here quicker. Don't get me wrong I am excited too to see the new me when the swelling and bruising goes away. Right now I am a bundle of nerves. I know I am in good hands. My husband will take good care of me when I get out, which I am hoping will be Friday.
I will keep you posted on how things are going once I feel up to it and get back home. Talk to you all later and see you soon.
Good luck Andrea!!! I will be thinking of you tomorrow :) Everything will be fine!! *HUGS*